Many are the ways to spread the word

These first two form the bedrock of the quiet revolution (all else is sheer frivolity, and the product of an overactive imagination):
  • Gently ask still in loved ones, "How does Matthew chapter 23 not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses?" (It is a genuine question which can be asked with heartfelt sincerity.)
  • Send a postcard to all your old acquaintances with the simple question, "How does Matthew chapter 23 not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses?"
From here on in these suggestions may get progressively more outrageous - but that does not make them impossible.
  • Stand quietly outside assemblies, conventions, or Kingdom Halls, holding a placard bearing the legend, "Matthew 23?" ("How does it not apply?" optional)
  • Have business cards printed on one side with, "Matthew 23?", and on the other, "How does it not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses?". Give them to anyone you meet - but especially those related to you in the faith, with a particular eye out for Trolley Witnesses.
  • Gain access to the convention with your lapel badge. Half way through, flip it over. On it is printed, "Matthew 23?"
  • Have "Matthew 23?" printed on the back of your white shirt. Remove jacket. Say nothing.
  • Get tee-shirts printed: On the front, "Matthew 23?" And on the back, "How does it not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses?" (or the more compact, "How does it not apply?") Wear one to any social gathering, or Kingdom Hall construction project. Give them out to your friends.
  • Wear a MAT23 pin/badge.
  • Wear a MAT23 tie.
  • Wear a MAT23 sunhat.
  • Drink from a MAT23 mug.
  • Give out "Matthew 23?" bookmarks as a quaint but thought-provoking small gift.
(These last few items don't exist yet, but anything is possible.)

And for the absurdly wealthy:
  • Buy a slot on the advertisement hoarding located adjacent to the Kingdom Hall, or Assembly Hall. Emblazon, "Matthew 23? How does it not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses?" for all to see.
  • Fly low over convention sites and drop thousands of leaflets which ask, "Matthew 23? How does it not apply?"


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